Snow Management

Snow Plowing Services

The Bruce Company provides snow removal services to commercial, industrial and multifamily sites in Dane County. We have the resources and the experience to provide you with timely snow plowing services. Services include; snow plowing, deicing/salting, sidewalk clearing, and hauling.

We are staffed to meet all your needs with qualified personnel and equipment:

  • Over 350 personnel
  • Trucks
  • Snowblowers
  • Salt trucks and spreaders
  • Loaders

Thanks in part to Road Salt Reduction Grant from the Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District, The Bruce Company was able to take action to reduce salt use by expanding their snow and ice fighting tools to include liquid anti-icing applications. These new tools, calibration, and experimentation helped them cut salt use on sidewalks by one-third! The reduction in materials costs led to financial savings for their customers without a reduction in sidewalk safety. 

For all your snow management needs, contact The Bruce Company today!

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